3.2 Logging Highlights

Logging your Highlights is a simple and quick process in timegram. 

  1. Visit the tracker page, and on the right side of the screen, you'll see the "Add Highlights" button. Just click on it, and a window will pop up for you to add your highlights.

  1. When the Highlights window opens, you'll notice a dropdown menu, Select Task. Click on it and a list of your current tasks will appear. From this list, choose the specific task you want to log your Highlights for. 
  2. All your activities are intelligently grouped into app clusters that makes it easy to identify and choose activities for relevant tasks. To log activities from these clusters, simply click on the expand icon beside the app logo. You can select each activity individual or choose all the activities in a cluster at once by clicking on "Select All." 
  3. Once you've made your selection, click on the "Save" button to log your activity for the selected task.

  1. Repeat the same process for logging time and activities in all your tasks.
  2. If you want to find specific highlights, simply utilize the search bar provided. Type in any activity you're looking for, and the app will display the relevant highlights accordingly.

  1. To filter the displayed activities, you can switch between the "Logged" and "Unlogged" dropdown options. This allows you to view either your logged or unlogged activities exclusively.
  2. Beside the select task dropdown, you can see your total unlogged and selected activities. Choosing the Unlogged filter displays all unlogged activities, while selecting the Logged filter shows your logged activities.

Accessing Past Activity

timegram provides users with the convenience to log Highlights even after the work day has ended. If you've forgotten to log your Highlights for the day, you can easily access up to 2 days’ activities from the dropdown menu located on the right side of your screen. 

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