1.0 Getting Started

timegram is a privacy-first smart time tracking tool designed to keep your focus on work and productivity without having to worrying about remembering your day-to-day activities. Here is a detailed guide of how you can navigate through product and get maximum value out of it. .

Invitation and Setup Process

To begin using timegram, you must first accept the invitation sent to you by your manager via email. Once you have accepted the invitation, proceed to set up your timegram account in order to start utilizing its features.

Step #1: Invitation to Join

Retrieve the email invitation from your inbox and search for the email titled 'Invitation to join.

Proceed to open that email.

Click “Verify Email”  link to proceed with the verification process.

Step #2: Set Your Password

Once you click on the 'Verify Email' link, you will be redirected to the app where you’ll have to set your password. Choose a strong and secure password, with at least 1 special character and 1 numeric value. 

After you have entered the password then you will be directed to a window where you will enter your First name, Last name, Timezone and profile picture.

As the last and most important step, download the Highlights app, our tracking engine, that automatically tracks your daily activities and time (or you can skip this step and download highlights app from dashboard later).

Note: All the data recorded is private to you and cannot be accessed by your manager or employer until you have logged it to the tasks.

See 2.0 Overview of the User Interface

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